My younger brother at VietVille Restaurant. Have you ever tried their "chao long"? Yummy

Matinlo Beach, Simpocan, Palawan. They say it's a great place for bird watching. On our first day at a private resort, we met a group of bird watchers who invited us to join them the next day at around 3 or 4 in the morning! Oh. Sige, kayo na lang! Haha! Next time, maybe. Besides, I wasn't prepared - I didn't have my telephoto lens with me.

Basking in the Sun - This is Life!

Matinlo Beach sunset in colour

Matinlo Beach sunset in black and white

By the way, meet my Mom and Dad! :)

Matinlo Beach, Simpocan, Palawan. They say it's a great place for bird watching. On our first day at a private resort, we met a group of bird watchers who invited us to join them the next day at around 3 or 4 in the morning! Oh. Sige, kayo na lang! Haha! Next time, maybe. Besides, I wasn't prepared - I didn't have my telephoto lens with me.

Basking in the Sun - This is Life!

Matinlo Beach sunset in colour

Matinlo Beach sunset in black and white

By the way, meet my Mom and Dad! :)

Good Times!
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